Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First of many, certainly not the last.

Well hello ladies and gentleman, and welcome to the world of things that suck.

If you are bothered by the day to day things that seem to drive our society, then this is the blog for you.
I am completely aware that i shouldn't let things bother me, but the fact is, i don't have the ability to just let it go. Now, I'm not talking about politics or money or P.E.T.A. or natural disasters or anything really serious for that matter. Those things never bother me because, for the most part, I have just excepted the fact that most people are just dumb, and when dumb people handle serious situations, you have to be willing to accept some collateral damage.

I am bothered by the more serious things in life. Like reality Tv shows, professional wrestling, traveling evangelists, people that say ASAP, people that say 10-4, people that wear Fedoras, you see where I'm going with this. While all these things are my best friends, they are also my worst enemies.

So, what's this blog all about? The little things in life that make it worth complaining about. Is this serious? Yes. But also so No. Do I misspell or forget to capitalize? yes. Will none of this make since, and probably contradict itself? sometimes and absolutely.

So with all that being said, take my hand and lets begin this adventure of sarcasm and satire together.

Currently reading:

Thanks Alex.

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